this is a joke right? even if it is, WTH MAN!?! i FELT the brain cells die as I watched this crap, they didn't go willingly either, and may have taken others out with them. and Queen? Really man? really? no. just f-in no. how u came even close to the front page is beyond me. i get its not supposed to be serious, but even the irony wasn't funny. try making something with actual jokes and punch-lines, or just stop trying. normally i don't promote or approve of the loss of NG contributers, but you are THE exception, the ONLY exception so far. and i know you are just going to dismiss this as another raving comment, should u even see it and will take none of it to heart. that brings sadness to my heart that the future of this once great site, is left in the hands of "artists" such as yourself. O well, there is not much i can do of it. I hope "fans" of you see this, and seriously re-think things as to your future on NG. Please immediately cease and desist all further production of animations, until you start actually trying.